What I think...
I have been a loyal fan of Moon Hee Jun since 2001. I will never stop being
a fan and supporting him. I have heard some pretty mean comments about him but I obviously didn't listen to those bad words.
Why Didn't I? Well , let me tell you. Read on and you will find out my opinion and thoughts on him.
Its simple. He is a talented person and he is kind.
No , I have never met him but I'll tell you this. It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to realize how nice he is. How funny and sweet and nice he really is. Just watch shows hes been on. You can
even tell in HeeJun 99.8 .
Look , Heejun is my hero. He is someone I totally admire and look up to.
He has the most beautiful and strong voice. His songs have true feelings and emotions in them. Look at a picture of him ,
what a show and look into the mans eyes. Its obvious he isn't a bad person.
If anyone hates him than they have obviously not payed enough attention.
He is a truly good performer and person . Before you judge him , pay attention to everything. You will find yourself loving
From a True HeeJun supporter now and forever : Brandy . M.